Network Disk: Frequently asked questions

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I do not have a user

The access user is called "research user". If you do not have any credentials, please, follow the steps of Research user's manual.

I have a user but no access rights to an existent network drive

If you have a user, contact Servei d'Informàtica by CAU providing this information:

  • User
  • Head project (add to CC)
  • Network drives (folders and subfolders)

Creation of a new network drive or a subfolder in a network drive

If it is necessary the creation of a new network drive or a subfolder, contact Servei d'Informàtica by CAU providing this information:

  • Head project (add to CC)
  • Folder/subfolder name
  • Rights

Outside access

If you need to access outside the campus, you have to configure the VPN client in order to connect to or by SAMBA.


Previously we have commented the following points:

  • Data stored in IBM storage ( access) DON'T have backup.
  • Data stored in NETAPP storage ( access) HAVE backup.

Restore files or folders by backup

If you need to restore any data located to NETAPP storage ( access) by backup, contact Servei d'InformàtiCa by CAU.