Resources to manage and organize files, folders and versions of documents. File formats and resources to organize the data.
Eight tips for a good organization of the files generated during the research:
More information:
Metadata are data about the data. Metadata helps to understand the data in detail and help other researchers find, use and quote your data correctly.
Please refer to the Spanish and European legislation and the procedure for the treatment of personal data in research, development and innovation. UPF information about personal data protection, such as safety measures, are available in the intranet of Protecció de dades de caràcter personal.
To publish the data of your research project in open access you have different options, subject repositories, institutional repository and other multidisciplinary repositories. If you do not publish in CORA. Repositori de Dades de Recerca (RDR), please let us know ( to link data to related publications. Consult all the information about it.
The readme.txt file provides information about the dataset in order to ensure a correct interpretation and reuse of teh data.
You need to create a readme.txt file for each dataset and deposit it along with the rest of the files.
Use and consult the templates (in catalan, spanish and english) created by the Consorci de Serveis Universitaris de Catalunya (CSUC) to make the readme.txt file.
See the Data Management Plan for more information on the procedure for backup copies of each campus of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra.
To request an ethical review of the project, consult the Institutional Committee for Ethical Review of Projects (CIREP-UPF).
Other links of interest:
Guidelines for citing data:
Vancouver: Author(s). Title [type]. Institution name / Repository of deposit: Physical location; Year of publication [date accessed]. Available from: Identifier (DOI, Handle)
Example: CompMusic. Beijing Opera Percussion Pattern Dataset [dataset]. Repositori Digital de la UPF: Barcelona; 2016 [citado el 23 abril de 2016]. Disponible en: Author(s). (Year). Title. Editor. Version. Identifier (DOI, Handle)
Example: Irino, T., Tada, R. (2009). Chemical and mineral compositions of sediments from ODP Site 127‐797. Geological Institute, University of Tokyo.
Force11: Author(s), Year, Title dataset, Repository of deposit, Version, Identifier (DOI, Handle)
Example: Chan, AH, Anderson, K, 2015, X-Ray Diffraction data for: RT52A from E. Coli. PDB COde 5C25, SBGrid Data Bank, v1,