Research data concerns the data collected, used or generated during the research project.
“Events, observations or experiences on the basis of which an argument or theory is constructed or tested. Data can be numerical, descriptive, auditory or visual; raw, summarized or analysed; experimental or observational”
Source: LEARN Project
Source: CSUC
Research data management (RDM) includes the collection, organization, documentation, storage and the preservation of the data used when a research project is being carried out.
Download the illustration of the research data management circuit. Source: CSUC
Publishing data in open source allows ensuring free and universal access to such data, as well as its due preservation, exploitation, reproduction, dissemination, visibility and impact. It also enables meeting the requirements of the funding agencies.
This open data must follow the FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), which involve facilitating the reproduction, replication and reuse of data, and apply to different repositories, such as CORA.RDR (research data repository) or Zenodo, among others.
Download the document What is meant by FAIR data?
Personal data directly or indirectly identifies or can identify specific individuals. Examples: a name, an identification number, geographic data, an online identifier or one or more elements of physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic and cultural identity, etc.