Research data management: Data Management Plan

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Why draft a Data Management Plan

The Data Management Plan (DMP) is a formal document that sets out how data will be managed throughout the research and after the project ends. In addition, it is one of the requirements of projects of the H2020 Programme, Horizon Europe and Plan Estatal.

When you need a DMP?
Funding agency Fase de proposta del projecte Fase inicial (projecte concedit) Durant el projecte (actualitzacions) Fase final del projecte
European Commission

Yes, mandatory

Yes, mandatory on month 6 Optional (if there are changes) Yes, mandatory
Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (Spain) Yes, mandatory Not mandatory Optional (if there are changes) Yes, it can be requested

Font: CSUC

It will help you to:

  • Save time
  • Ensure data integrity and reproducibility
  • Disseminate and preserve data
  • Prevent potential data losses
  • Validate the results obtained
  • Ensure broader dissemination and increase the impact.

Tools for creating the Data Management Plan

It includes the guidelines followed by the specifications for creating the DMP of:

  • Horizon 2020 programme and Horizon Europe (FAIR Data), customized with UPF specifications (backup policy, etc.)
  • Projects financed within the framework of the State Plan of Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation
  • Doctoral students
  • Software

DMP templates:

Data Management Plan for doctoral students

The DMP will help you manage and organize your research project data. Consult the:

The Data Management Plan in European Union projects

Check out the Guidelines on FAIR Data Management in Horizon 2020 or the guide How to comply with Horizon Europe mandate for research data management.


Examples of data management plans

Here are some examples of data management plans of H2020 projects:

Other examples of data management plans.

To find out more