These are journals that place no barriers to accessing their content, and, furthermore, allow it to be reused, usually via a license, as long as the integrity of the published work is respected and the authorship recognised. In some cases, the payment by the autors of a quota called APC (Article Processing Charge) is required. When no payment is required because the editing and revision costs are assumed by publication sponsors or voluntary work of members of the scientific community, we talk about the diamond OA.
See the directories of open access journals:
To do this, authors or their institutions pay a fee known as the Article Processing Charge (APC) so that their articles can be published in open access; the other articles in the journal can only be read by subscribers. The cost of publishing an article in a scientific journal averages between 1,000 and 4,000 euros.
Most publishers will allow published articles, or one of the preliminary editions (pre-print or post-print), to be published in repositories. There are no additional costs to do this. The e-Repositori (institutional repository) is available to you for this option.
See the open access policies of journals and publishers at: