Theses: Parts and content

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 If the thesis includes published articles or other published documents you must follow Thesis containing published articles or other published documents.


 If your thesis has issues of knowledge protection or technology transfer (patent application, confidentiality agreements, etc), you must contact your department before depositing the thesis. There is a special procedure in place for these cases.


Information displayed:

  • Title of the thesis
  • Subtitle (optional)
  • Author
  • UPF Logo

The design will be undertaken by UPF's La Factoria service.


  • As soon as you have decided the final title and the format of the thesis, make the Doctoral thesis cover request via CAU providing the following information:
    • Thesis’ title (as it should appear)
    • Thesis’ subtitle (optional) (as it should appear)
    • Author’s name (as it should appear)
    • Year
    • Format (A4 or B5)
    • Alternative email address
    • Contact phone number
  • La Factoria will send you via email with two PDF files attached (within 5 working days):
    • Front and back cover and spine, ready to be printed.
    • An additional document with printing instructions.
  • We cannot recommend any printing/copying service.

Title page

Information displayed:

  • Title of the thesis
  • Subtitle (optional)
  • Author
  • Thesis supervisor
  • Thesis department
  • UPF logo

Dedication and acknowledgements (optional)

They are optional. However, if you include them, it is recommended that these pages are either unnumbered or numbered using Roman numerals.


  • In two languages (Spanish or Catalan, and English). Other languages are optional.
  • Recommended maximum length: 150 words

Preface or introduction

Understood as an introduction to the thesis, often to outline its merits or value, and to place it in a particular context and circumstance.

Table of contents

Table of contents of the thesis, showing the parts in which it is divided.

Body of the thesis


If the thesis includes published articles or other published documents you must follow these guidelines

List of figures and tables (optional)

Ordered list of the figures and tables that illustrate the thesis, referencing name and page number.


The bibliographical sources used must be documented using a standard citation format:  

  • Find more in the guide Com citar i elaborar referències bibliogràfiques (only in Catalan) 
  • The UPF library offers the use of Zotero and Mendeley, two citation manager and academic social network that will help you to organize your research, collaborate with other users online, and find the last published papers in your field. 

Index or glossary (optional)

List of concepts, names, etc., appearing in the thesis with the references necessary to locate them. Examples: Alphabetical index, Name index, Subject index.

Thesis containing publised articles or other published documents

If your thesis includes documents already published as a journal article, book chapter or other documents, it is necessary to include the complete bibliographic citation:

  • Complete bibliographic citation
  • URL of the electronic version, if possible
  • DOI or ISBN, if possible

Full citation example:

Lafarga M, Casafont I, Bengoechea R, Tapia O, Berciano MT. Cajal's contribution to the knowledge of the neuronal cell nucleus. Chromosoma. 2009;118(4):437-43.

(Use the same citation format that you've already used on the thesis)