Research user: How to get a research user

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1. Contact to CAU

Researchers and admin personal can request a research user by opening a new incidence (Nova incidència) through the CAU service of the IT department for research.

In Description (Descripció) we notify we want to get a research user and we add the following information to the message:  

  • Name and surname
  • Research group we belong to: if we don’t know the name of the group we have to contact to our academic secretary in order to provide us this information.
  • Email

When sending the CAU request, we have to make a copy for the research group leader so that the IT department can verify that he/she knows that this new user is being created.  They cannot assign someone to a group if they do not know that this person belongs to it and if it’s a permanent or a one-time collaboration.

In case we don’t have a CAU user to make the petition, we have to ask the research group leader to make it for us. 

2. Change the password

Once we have created our user, which has been assigned to us by email, we change the password so that it becomes personal and non-transferrable. Open the link:

If we have forgotten the password we can change using our email,  we’ll have to type our username