Theses: Declaration by the author: step by step instructions

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Declaration by the author

I declare that I am the author...

I declare that I am the author, that is an original work and that I am aware of the existing normative.


I acknowledge that I am not transferring any publication rights to TDX or UPF.


All rights reserved or open acces licence

You have to choose between two licence options. If you choose a Creative Commons licence, then there are several to choose from. ​



UPF does not recommend a specific option.

If you do not know about Creative Commons licenses, you can find more information in the Library guide:

Delayed publication / embargo

If you do not want to publish the thesis yet, because

  • you expect to publish articles and/or books in the near future
  • research is still underway

Mark this option to publish with an embargo of the thesis' full text. You must select the embargo period.


Important: the thesis will be published in TDX, but the fulltext will not be accessible until the end of embargo date. The embargo period can be extended or shortened if necessary (open a CAU to Library and IT).