Run TensorBoard in your batch script or by command line in an interactive job:
nsurname@ohpc:~$ salloc --gres=gpu:1 salloc: Granted job allocation 793814 nsurname@node021:~$ ml TensorFlow/2.7.1-foss-2020b-CUDA-11.4.3 nsurname@node021:~$ tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/retrain_logs --port=8008 --bind_all TensorBoard 2.8.0 at http://node021:8008 (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Find in which node is running the job and configure the port that TensorBoard is using, in this case, it is the node021 and the port number 8008.
Open a new terminal session and create a SSH tunneling:
ssh -p 22 -L 16006:node021:8008
Open a browser in your computer and connect to the following URL:
Take into account that we have not generated any graph. In your case, you will see the data.