Fair share of Resources
The goal is to ensure that the access to the resources is fairly shared between all users, and no user can monopolyze cluster usage and make the rest of the user's jobs wait for a given time. To do so, the scheduler calculates quotas and applies limits depending on several things. There are:
- Limits for user: a single user can run simultaneously a given number of jobs
- Quota limit: every job uses resources, and resources consume quota. Once the user's quota reaches zero the user cannot run the jobs anymore. Users with higher quota have higher priority when running jobs, as less quota implies prior resource usage. Quota calculation is performed every two weeks, and prior usage on the cluster counts. See section 'Queues' for more information.
A user can allocate simultaneously up to:
- Number of CPU's: 300
- Amount of RAM Memory: 512 GB
- Number of GPU's: 5