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Bases de dades, revistes electròniques i llibres electrònics: E-Resources Access from Off UPF Campus

Biblioteca digital

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You can see the electronic resources – databases, journals, books and electronic dictionaries – subscribed to by the UPF library from outside the university through SARE (E-Resources Access Service)
Members of the UPF university community can access based on the

How to access the e-resources from outside UPF

The SARE connection activates automatically through the links to the e-resources of the Library and IT website. You should introduce your Global Campus username and password when requested.
If you access the service from the results page of an external search engine (eg. Google) or through a bookmark you should install the SARE button in your browser.

The session will disconnect after 15 minutes of inactivity.

You can also close the session using this URL:

The SARE button and how it works

The SARE button is a mini application (bookmarklet) which allows you to prove your identity to use the library e-resources at any time while you are browsing.
After installing the SARE button you will see it in the favourites section, Access to UPF e-resources (the web browser’s address bar must be visible)
When accessing the resources subscribed to by UPF, click on the button and log in with your Campus Global username and password. You’ll be returned to the page you were looking at identified as a member of UPF.

How to install the SARE button


  • Firefox: right click on the SARE button and select Add link to addresses of interest. You can also click on and drag the button to the addresses of interest bar.
  • Chrome: Click on the SARE button and drag it to the addresses of interest bar.
  • Internet Explorer: Right click on the SARE button. Select Add to favourites and click YES should a security alert appear.
  • Safari: click on the SARE button and drag it to the addresses of interest bar.

How to display the address bar

  • Chrome: in the top right of the screen, click on  Menú Chrome  and select Address bar > Display address bar.
  • Mozilla Firefox: in the menuMenú MozillaPersonalize. At the bottom of the screen, click on Show / hide the toolbar in the dropdown menu and select Address bar. Click on Done in the personalization section.
  • Internet Explorer: right click on the address bar and select Favourites Bar.