Bitbucket: code repository: Frequently Asked Questions

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How can I get a Bitbucket account?

To register, the only thing you have to do is enter the following link and click on Get Started:

How can I be part of a group that is already created?

If you want to be part of a group that has already been created you can contact the administrator of your research group and tell him to add you, to do this he will only have to follow the following steps:

  1. Enter the Bitubucket research group
  2. Settings --> Users groups
  3. Click on the group that should add you
  4. In "Members" enter your Bitbucket user (or mail if you have not yet created an account)

How can I create a team from my research group?

To do this we recommend that you contact to Servei d'informàtica , through a CAU, telling us the research group and users. This way we can provide this plan:

  • No limit on the number of users per team.
  • Soft limit of 1 GB per repository – In-product and email notifications will give you a heads-up that you’re approaching the limit.
  • Hard limit of 2 GB per repository – Pushing to the repository will be disabled until you’re back under the limit.
  • Despite this, we have a file Storage limit of 110Gb for Git LFS (Large File Support)
  • No limit of the number of repositories per team.
  • 5000 minutes of building minutes.

But, what is a Bitbucket team?

A team allows you to collaborate and manage multiple projects, repositories, and users.

  • Create and share access to your team's repositories.
  • Create projects to organize and focus your teams work.
  • Set specific permissions for different roles or feature teams.
  • Integrate your team's projects with services like Jira Software (it has a cost associated and not included in the original plan)