Evaluating the scientific output: Researchers

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Support for scientific output

To facilitate accreditation and visibility of your scientific output there are tools that allow you to create a researcher profile. 

The University encourages all PDI (teaching and research staff) at UPF  to have their identifiers: ORCID, Web of Science ResearcherID, ScopusID and Google Scholar Profile.

The advantages of having these profiles are:

  • help with author name disambiguation
  • facilitate publication tracking to ensure the most comprehensive recovery of all the author scientific output
  • provide the information needed when applying for grants

The Library provides help to create and update your profiles: you may ask for an appointment or for a group workshop via Help Desk

ORCID (Open Researcher and Contribution ID)

At the initiative of Open Researcher and Contribution ID (ORCID)

Web of Science ResearcherID

Web of Science has a new platform.

We recommend using the SIGN in option, at the top right hand side, as it allows access to more functionalities, save searches, etc. The same login and password serves all products; Web of Science, JCR, ResearcherID profile among others. If you don't have it yet, use REGISTER.  

You have the tutorials at: Getting started with Web of Science.



Identifier associated with the database Scopus. It unifies authors scientific output under a single identity.

  • Your authorID is generated automatically provided that you have two publications indexed in Scopus
  • Connect with ORCID and exchange data between the two identifiers​
  • Tutorials 
  • Scopus LibGuide


  • Publications
  • Citations
  • H-index
  • Coauthors

Google Scholar

Identifier associated with Google.

  • To create your profile, you need a gmail account.Take advantage of your UPF e-mail
  • Complete the registration form, add the articles and finally your profile will be displayed. Make your profile public, so that it may appear in Google Scholar results when people search for your name.
  • Tutorial
