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Diccionari biogràfic de dones
A Dictionary of British History
A Dictionary of Contemporary World History
A Dictionary of World History
Dynasties of the World
The Kings and Queens of Britain
The Oxford companion to American military history
The Oxford companion to Australian history
The Oxford companion to Australian military history
The Oxford companion to black British history
The Oxford companion to British history
The Oxford companion to Canadian history
The Oxford companion to classical civilization
The Oxford companion to Irish History
The Oxford companion to local and family history
The Oxford companion to military history
The Oxford companion to Scottish history
The Oxford companion to United States history
The Oxford companion to the history of modern science
An Oxford companion to the romantic age
The Oxford companion to World War II
The Oxford companion to local and family history
Oxford Dictionary of the Classical World
The Oxford Essential Dictionary of the U.S. Military
Oxford Reference: Classical studies
Oxford Reference: History
Who's Who in the Classical World
Who's Who in the Twentieth Century
Diccionaris en línia de filosofia
A Dictionary of critical theory
A Dictionary of Philosophical Terms and Names
Oxford companion to consciousness
The Oxford companion to philosophy
The Oxford Dictionary of Philosophy
Oxford Reference: Philosophy
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
Diccionario de filosofía José Ferrater Mora
Codificació: hum-filo dret-alt
Diccionaris en línia de literatura
An A-Z guide to Shakespeare (Oxford Reference)
The Concise Oxford Companion to African American Literature
The Concise Oxford Companion to American Literature
The Oxford Companion to Classical Literature
The Concise Oxford Companion to English Literature (3rd ed.)
The Concise Oxford Companion to Irish Literature
The Concise Oxford Companion to the Theatre
A Dictionary of Chinese Literature (Oxford Reference)
New oxford rhyming dictionary (Oxford Reference)
A Dictionary of English manuscript terminology, 1450-2000
A Dictionary of Shakespeare
A Dictionary of Writers and their Works
Glossary of Poetic Terms
The Oxford companion to American literature
The Oxford companion to Australian literature
The Oxford companion to Canadian literature
The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms
Oxford reader's companion to Conrad
The Oxford companion to English literature
The Oxford companion to New Zealand literature
The Oxford companion to Shakespeare
The Oxford companion to the Bröntes
The Oxford Companion to Twentieth-Century Poetry in English
The Oxford Dictionary of phrase and fable
The Oxford dictionary of reference and allusion
The Oxford Dictionary of Science Fiction
The Oxford guide to literary Britain & Ireland
Oxford reader's companion to Dickens
Oxford reader's companion to George Eliot
Oxford reader's companion to Trollope
Oxford Reference: Literature
Diccionaris en línia d'art i arquitectura
Art & Architecture Thesaurus On Line
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Art Terms
The Oxford Dictionary of Art and Artists
A Dictionary of architecture and landscape architecture
A Dictionary of modern and contemporary Art
Oxford art online
The Oxford Dictionary of Art
Oxford Dictionary of the Classical World
Oxford Reference: Art and Architecture
Oxford Reference: Perfoming Arts
Diccionaris en línia d'arqueologia
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Archaeology
The Oxford Companion to archaeology (2nd ed.)
Diccionaris en línia de geografia
Diccionari de geografia física (Termcat)
A Dictionary of British Place-Names
A Dictionary of geography
A Dictionary of human geography (Oxford Reference)
A dictionary of travel and tourism (Oxford Reference)
Guide to countries of the world
Nomenclàtor mundial (IEC-Oficina d'Onomàstica-Secció Filològica)
Diccionaris en línia de religió
The Oxford dictionary of the Jewish Religion
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
The Concise Oxford Dictionary of World Religions
A Dictionary of Buddhism
A Dictionary of Hinduism
A Dictionary of the Bible
The Oxford companion to the Bible
The Oxford dictionary of Islam
The Oxford dictionary of Popes
The Oxford dictionary of saints
The Oxford Guide to People and Places of the Bible
Oxford Reference: Religion
Diccionaris en línia de psicologia
Diccionari de psiquiatria (Termcat)
Dictionary of cognitive science
A Dictionary of Psychology
Oxford companion to the mind
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