How to acces CAU if you don't have a UPF user: How to register a non-UPF user

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Steps to follow

  1. Go to the main page of CAU, select the area where you want to open the request and there click on Other users.
  2. Click on Registra't (Register) button.
  3. Fill in the Adreça electrònica (with a non-University email address), Contrasenya (Password), and Nom complet (Full Name) fields.
  4. Click on Registra't (Register) button.
  5. You will access the CAU directly and you will be able to open your requests.

Do you know...

.... that you can change the default language in which you see the CAU? Follow the steps to make it done.

  1. Go to the CAU website, locate yourself in one of the areas and identify yourself with your UPF (UPF Users) or external (Other users) user.
  2. At the top right, next to the Sol·licituds (Requests) button, click the button with an image and an arrow pointing down.
  3. Select Canvia l'idioma (Change language).
  4. Select the language on the drop-down. You can choose between Catalan (Spain), Spanish (Spain) or English (UK).
  5. Click Guardar (Save).
  6. The change applies immediately.