VMware: virtualization system: VMware access

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1. Link

Open the following link in your Web browser: https://vcsa7.ccp.upf.edu/​

A warning unsecured connection page might appear. To continue, depending on the browser you use, follow the next steps:

  • If you’re using Chrome:

Click on "Advanced Options" and then on the option "Access at https://vcsa7.ccp.upf.edu/ (unsafe area)".

  • If you’re using Firefox:

Click on "I understand the risks" and then on "Add exception…". Type the link to https://vcsa7.ccp.upf.edu/. 

2. Client vSphere

Once you’re inside the web click on the option "Login vSphere Client (HTML5)", on the left side of the screen. 

3. User and password

The next screen will ask you for your user and password. It’s necessary to use the next formula:

  • User: CCP\research user
  • Password: Your password of research user.

Once we've entered, the Main View will display.